The gym is no longer needed when you can do this workouts in the heart of your house to get a fitness body. Say goodbye to the gym and to the month payments.
Low-belly leg reach
This exercise will get you the six pack you want. You can use a yoga mat to feel the floor more comfortable. Just start by lifting up your legs 90 degrees, while your back, head and shoulders lie in the floor. Keep your legs straight and a contract your abs, do a reach for 3-5 seconds. Then move your legs to a 45 degrees and hold it for 3-5 seconds squeezing the lower abdominal area. The recommended routine are two sets of 10-15 times.
Opposite arm and leg lift
"This move builds core strength and balance, while also toning your glutes and shoulders"(Porostky, N.D). You have heard it here a workout that will give you a lot of benefits and lets not forget it also takes courage to survive the pain. Start from a four points position, with your right arm lift it and try to reach the wall and with your left leg try to reach the other wall. Hold it up to 5 seconds and then change of arm and leg. Remember your shoulders need to be down, straight back and always have the sensation of someone pulling your arm and leg.
Tricep dips
If you want to have a solution for the back arm area, this exercise is for you. With this you will work the arms and abdominal area. First sit with your feet at the distance of your hips, your feet all the way to the flor and parallel and your hands behind your back. "Lift hips off floor and shift weight back. Bend and straighten elbows 20 times, leaving feet flat, then come onto heels and repeat"(Porostky, N.D). Try to do at least 20 or more to have a really good result.
Y-squat calf raise
An easier way to work almost all parts of the body, including abs, gluteus, back, quadriceps and a good balance. Start by standing up with your feet at the distance of your hips and parallel, lift your arms with your shoulders downs too the ceiling. Lower in a squat contracting your abs and butt. Your back always needs to be straight and your coccyx needs to be always facing down. It is recommended to do a routine of 20 squats and then one whole minute of jumping jacks.
Have a great day!
Porotsky, S. (n.d.). 25 Exercises You Can Do Anywhere. Retrieved November 5, 2018, from,,20788704,00.html
All images above where taken from,,20788704,00.html.